Ali Bright



Ali-Bright is a highly effective etching type acid cleaner designed primarily for the cleaning of aluminium in industrial situations. It is most commonly used on aluminium trailer bodies (pantechnicons), aluminium tanks, aluminium bull bars and aluminium dinghies. Ali-Bright is also highly effective in cleaning stainless steel. Ali-Bright removes corrosion products and oxide films with minimal attack on the substrate and reduced localised pitting. Ali-Bright will clean, deoxidise and brighten and remove most industrial fallout from the surface, ensuring a bright white surface to aluminium. The unique surfactant contained in Ali-Bright produces a dense, stable foam, which aids in the removal of light oil deposits, grease and grime and allows Ali-Bright to be free rinsing, thus ensuring a streak-free finish.

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1L, 5L, 20L

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